Global ECOCIDE by Spraying the Skies With Chemicals
The NWO Cabal in control of the United Nations IPCC says CO2 is causing global warming.Despite conclusive evidence that CO2 is not a significant greenhouse gas, the promoters of the global warming lie are doubling-down with a dangerous fix that would destroy the natural environment and blue skues by spraying the stratosphere with a chemical haze to reflect sunlight back into space.
According to the "experts", this uncontrolled experiment - no matter how disastrous - could never be stopped once started because to do so would too abruptly re-start a massive global heating cycle of skyrocketing temperatures that would be even worse than adapting to their hair-brained, perpetual and infinite geoengineering project using airplanes to spray aerosols.
This disturbing CNBC special was released on September 7, 2019 - just two weeks ahead of the September 23rd Climate Action Summit in New York City.
One could suppose that using the "stick" of a dangerous geoengineering program could make impossible solutions at the Climate Summit look more like a "carrot".
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