Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Proof George HW Bush in Dallas On Day of Kennedy Assassination

What do you think Trump said to Justice Kennedy that made him stop in his tracks like that?

By Shawn Blair, Historical Researcher (Complete Post)

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Monday, July 16, 2018

False Flags and Fake News For Gun Control (Dr. Steve Pieczenik)

Dr. Steve Pieczenik proved to be an effective activist in stopping the destructive phosphate mining in Florida's Bradford and Union Counties.  In his August, 2017 article (Mosaic Mine is a Big Loser and a Predator in Florida!), he identified Mosaic Mining as the primary culprit.

Former Senator, Al Franken (D-MN) had been sitting on the Mining sub-committee but failed to intervene after Mosaic had created environmental havoc in Florida. In a seemingly unrelated twist of fate, Franken announced he would resign his seat on January 2, 2018, after several allegations of sexual misconduct were made against him.

Although retired from government service, Dr. Pieczenik continues to be well connected with current and retired members of the US intelligence community. Reviewing his biography you will find Dr. Pieczenik is an expert in psychological warfare, political psychology, regime change, intelligence, counterintelligence and covert operations.

In the following video clip taken from his popular online commentary, "Steve Talks" Dr. Pieczenik revealed that psychological warfare operations (PsyOps) involving staged school shootings had taken place at Sandy Hook, Parkland Florida and other locations.  He suggested these PsyOps had been covertly organized and carried out by the State Department FBI, DHS and intelligence operatives, then promoted by controlled legacy media in order to alter public opinion about the second amendment. This artificial sensationalism gave lawmakers license to write increasingly restrictive firearms legislation following each highly sensationalized, staged shooting depicting murdered children. (VIDEO)

This form of psychological warfare is consistent with the goals of the United Nation Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).

Media involvement in reporting false events to manipulate public opinion became allowable when the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 was inserted into the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act).  The current NDAA, therefore removes previous restrictions imposed by the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 that prohibited fictional psychological propaganda from distribution to domestic news consumers inside the US.  Those who view the NDAA as a draconian form of consumer fraud are happy to label Mainstream Media as a purveyor of "Fake News".

Dr. Pieczenik's comments revealing staged school shootings at Sandy Hook and Parkland are consistent with the findings of numerous independent journalists, investigators and academics. One highly respected book with content of evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, is authored by multiple contributors including six PhD academics:  "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. It Was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control". (2016, 455 pages).

Regardless your opinion about gun control it must be considered there is a vast criminal complicity involving DHS school officials, law enforcement, elected and appointed officials to undermine the constitutional Republic of the United States.  George HW Bush announced a New World order would be successfeul. attempt underway to achieve a dubious form global government envisioned by those in control of the United Nations.


Steve Talks Blog
Bio - Steve Pieczenik

Mosaic Mine is a Big Loser and a Predator in Florida! (Steve Pieczenik)

Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 (H.R.5736) introduced in the House on 5/10/2012.

Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 - Amends the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 to authorize the Secretary of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to provide for the preparation and dissemination of information intended for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, including about its people, its history, and the federal government's policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information centers and instructors. (Under current law such authority is restricted to information disseminated abroad, with a limited domestic exception.)

United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)

BOOK: "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. It Was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control"

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Deep Truth: Visionaries Speak Out
Livestreamed from across the U.S., Spain, Scotland, England, and Russia

Friday, June 8, 8:00-11:00pm EST
Mockingbird 2.0:  Propaganda, Fake News, Fake History, and Outright Censorship
Saturday, June 9, 11:00am-1:30pm EST
Confronting Oligarchy: Resisting Full Spectrum Dominance

Saturday, June 9, 2:30-5:00pm EST
False Flags: Mass Psy-Op Events as Pretext for Wars and a Surveillance State

Saturday: June 9, 6:00-8:30pm EST
Triple Blockade: The Israeli Attack on Gaza, Free Speech, and Democracy

Sunday, June 10, 10:30am-1:30pm EST
Dark Technology: Geoengineering, 5G, Smart Meters, and Other Faustian Bargains

Sunday, June 10, 2:30-5:30pm EST  
Zionism: Deconstructing the Power Paradigm 

The opinions expressed by the Deep Truth conference speakers are theirs alone, and can not be presumed to be the opinions of any other conference speaker, the conference organizers, our livestreamer, or anyone who helps publicize this event.
Support free speech and full open inquiry!
We the people will not be silenced!
Copyright © 2018 Deep Truth

Thursday, May 31, 2018

In 2011, Lauren Poe serves on the City Commission and voted for the $3 Billion GREC Biomass generator Power Purchase Agreement . In 2017,  the tree-burning generator was purchased by the City in order to save money by shutting it down.  In fact, GRU was not in need of more electric generation at the time Poe voted to purchase the boon-doggle.

Oath of Office as Mayor

“I, Lauren Poe, do solemnly swear that I will support, honor, protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the Constitution of the State and under the Charter of the City of Gainesville; and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties of Mayor on which I am now about the enter.”   (Video)
Gainesville’s Controversial Mayor, Lauren Poe has broken his oath of office. Poe failed to protect the US Constitution when he unilaterally endorsed a globalist agenda to subvert the US Constitution.  Poe declared his own personal foreign policy in direct opposition to a sitting President with sole constitutional authority to determine the foreign policy of the United States. (Oath Video)
Without authority, Mayor Poe has pledged to uphold the goals enshrined in the so-called Paris Agreement. Poe’s name appears on a list of 405 Climate Mayors in various US Cities who also stand in violation of the US Constitution.
Poe’s subversive commitment violates Article 1, Section 10 of the United States Constitution which prohibits state governments specifically, and metropolitan governments within states by extension, from entering “into any treaty, alliance, or confederation.”
Annenberg: Section 10 – The Meaning
Article I, Section 10, limits the power of the states. States may not enter into a treaty with a foreign nation; that power is given to the president, with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate present. States cannot make their own money, nor can they grant any title of nobility.
As is Congress, states are prohibited from passing laws that assign guilt to a specific person or group without court proceedings (bills of attainder), that make something illegal retroactively(ex post facto laws) or that interfere with legal contracts.
TN Star:  Mayor Megan Barry Says The Constitution Does Not Apply Here in Nashville: ‘I Am Committed to Meeting the Goals of the Paris Agreement . . . Even if the President Is Not’.
“Constitutional law experts around the country have stated that such declarations are in direct violation of Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution of the United States.”

Climate Mayors linked to Rockefeller Resilient Cities agenda
“In an increasingly urban world, the major resilience challenges of this century – job creation, poverty reduction, climate change, environmental sustainability, community development and social inclusion – will be won or lost in cities.”

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

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Thursday, May 24, 2018

School Shooting PSYOPS Spawned By United Nations #StrongCities Network.

9/29/2015: Attorney General Loretta Lynch Announces the Launch of  Strong Cities Network at the UN General Assembly

The numerous incidents of obviously staged shootings and other violence revealed by investigative sources are most accurately referred to as "State Sponsored Psychological Operations", or "PSYOPS".

This article will attempt to demonstrate how Psyops of "violent extremism" in the case of school shootings are organized by the US State Department, FBI, DHS and US Military Psyops in collaboration with the United Nations #StrongCities and #ResilientCities Networks funded by taxpayer dollars and billionaire activists like George Soros. Review the complaint about #Resilientcites by DC lawmaker, Trayon white (Video)

The 2012 NDAA now allows false propaganda to be inflicted on populations of the United States after congress allowed the Smith-Mundt Act to be removed (modernized) - a provision that had protected Americans against social control propaganda since 1948.  Since the NDAA is a budget of the US military, it would be no surprise to see the involvement of the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (USACAPOC). Subordinate USACAPOC units are scattered around the country in various cities. For example, the 17th Psychological Operations Battalion is located at Camp Mabry in Austin, TX.

School shootings come under the category of "violent extremism" by SCN and  DHS Under current definitions, any person using a firearm to defend against alien assault or enemy invasion could be using "violent extremism" to protect life and property.

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used a fake name (Elizabeth Carlisle) to violate public records law in order to conduct secret Department of Justice business related to the United Nations #StrongCities Network. Lynch claimed it was necessary to “protect her security and privacy and enable her to conduct Department business efficiently via email.”  But these covert communications could have hidden the FBI's plans to carry out fake shootings like Orlando, Pulse, Parkland, Sutherland Springs and Santa Fe from the American Public.

Obama and Lynch were busted when Judicial Watch requested the records as part of an investigation into the Obama administration’s involvement in a United Nation’s international law enforcement coalition called Strong Cities Network (SCN). The purported mission of the global coalition was to build social cohesion and community resilience to counter violent extremism. The DOJ masterminded the agreement and Americans found out about the U.S.’s participation when Lynch announced it during a U.N. speech on September 29, 2015. Lynch referred to SCN as a “truly groundbreaking endeavor” and assured the notoriously corrupt UN world body that the Obama administration was deeply committed to the new initiative. “The government of the United States is fully invested in this collaborative approach and we have seen the value of empowering local communities by promoting initiatives they design and lead themselves,” Lynch said. (Source, JW)

Taking a lead from her predecessor, DoJ, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch began to enlist police departments, and school boards to brain-wash the public into thinking about guns and the second amendment "in a vastly different way" in order to set the stage for gun confiscation under the UN small arms treaty and UNODA - (United Nations Office For Disarmament Affairs)

Evidence suggests the term "STRONG" was chosen as a double entendre;  one meaning is obvious but the other in intended to memorialize long-time UN operative who provided the vision for Agenda-21, Maurice Strong.  Was it a coincidence that Maurice Strong passed away in late 2015, just as the #StrongCities Network was launched?

The enlistment of otherwise incorruptible officials became possible when Trump was unbelievably elected President.

The atmosphere in the liberal camp went white-hot with infighting when the DNC sabotaged Bernie's chance of getting his name on the ballot. Pushed ahead by George Soros, the outrage helped setup a movement of righteous anarchy with the formation of "Never Trumpers", "Not My President" and the notorious Antifa group.

Loretta Lynch's embrace of treason begins in the second paragraph of her address when she invokes the 9/11 False Flag to justify formation of a #StrongCities global police state.
Make no mistake, we now know the election of Donald Trump was engineered by the same Talmudic Zionists who planned the destruction of the Twin Towers on Sept 11, 2001. Watch this VIDEO .

Agenda to Replace the US Constitution with a Marxist Document

The Constitution 2020 movement is based upon The Constitution in 2020, a book published by Oxford University Press that is a powerful blueprint for implementing a Marxist vision of constitutional law in the years ahead and that is written by progressives.

Editorial reviews by Linda Greenhouse and Laurence Tribe clearly characterize the book as a partisan thesis of Conservative-bashing by the progressive left.
George Soros, (Nazi supporter) Eric Holder (Gun Control) and Cass Sunstein (Cognitive infiltration) are three familiar names in support of "modernizing" the Constitution. (Source)
A seemingly unrelated  movement involving constitutional fiscal reform is the Balance Budget Amendment Task Force (BBA)
With a debt of over $21 Trillion, this movement would presumably end Federal Reserve loans to the US government.
In January, 2018 the US was only six states away from the required 32 States to require an Article V Constitutional Convention. (CON-CON)  (John Birch Society)
Comprehensive map. Find out if your state is one of the 23 states promoting a Con-Con.


JUDICIAL WATCH:  DOJ Says Atty. Gen. Used Alias to Conduct Official Business to Protect Security, Privacy
9/29/2015: Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch Announces the Launch of  Strong Cities Network at the UN General Assembly
9/29/2015: VIDEO Loretta Lynch Announces the Launch of Strong Cities Network at the UN General Assembly
4/4/2013: U.S. Agrees To U.N. Global Gun Control
#StrongCitiesNetwork : UN Agenda to Create Global Police Force
DC Lawmaker Warns “Resilient Cities” is a UN Takeover
Loretta Lynch Caught Using Fake Name To Conceal Collaboration With Foreign Agents
UN Quietly Advancing International Gun Confiscation
U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans
UNODA - United Nations Office For Disarmament Affairs
UN Programme of Action for the USA (PDF)
October 24th is the United Nations Day of Shame, the Birthday of the UN
United Nations Formed By Alger Hiss, a Convicted Soviet Spy
Maurice Strong - WIKI
Meet Maurice Strong: Globalist, Oiligarch, “Environmentalist”
FBI - Violent Extremism in High Schools - FBI Office of Partner Engagement
Constitution 2020
Article V Constitutional Convention

States Map as of Jan, 2018